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Silhouettes of the Crowds


LLPOA, Leisure Lake Property Owners Association, is self-governing. There is an elected Board of Directors who collectively have duties and responsibilities similar to a town council.


The Board of Directors has a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and 8 precinct representatives. In a yearly election, each property votes for one or more candidates who, when elected, have a two-year term of office. The Board of Directors meets once a month in public to discuss LLPOA business and to decide matters related to the administration and finances of the lake. In order to divide governance, we also seek property owners who wish to step up and serve on committees as directors, chairs or members. 

Governance: Welcome

Director: Shannon Leppert
Chair: Linda Gross

Assessment, Zoning, Sanitation

Director: Dave Merrill
Chair: Rod Miller, Dan Ring


Director: Open
Chair: Open


Director: Dave Merrill
Chair: Damien Miller, Lynn Hillard

Building Grounds / Maintenance

Director: Shannon Leppert
Chair: Margie Loeffelholz,

Linda Gross


Director: Joyce Jarding
Chair: Michel Thiesen, Sheila Rooney, Aubrianna Jarding


Director: Damien Miller
Chair: Lorin Ahlers, Kevin Bohach, Dave Merrill, Gary Runde, Linda Gross, Rick Thompson

Financial Oversight Committee

Director: Sheila Rooney
Chair: Missy Frazier, Rick Pfeiler


Director: Perry Gettings


Director: Dave Merrill

Chair: Scott DeYoung, Doug Wells, Kevin Thiesen

Lake Management

Director: Damien Miller
Chair: Shawn Frazier, 
Wayne Loeffelholz


Director: Open
Chair: Dave Gerhardt


Board of Directors
Precinct Directors

Director: Dave Merrill
Chair: Deb Bartell, Linda Gross, Mary Hird


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